[Simh] VAXClustering with Linux Desktops?

Zane Healy healyzh at avanthar.com
Sat Apr 13 00:54:48 EDT 2019

> On Apr 12, 2019, at 5:53 PM, Ray Jewhurst <raywjewhurst at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have seen articles everywhere setting a VAXCluster using SimH and Raspberry Pis but none with Linux desktops.  I am putting together a small network of 3 or four Linux machines and thought it would be kind of neat to put together a small cluster and maybe even join Hecnet with it.  Anyway I am kind of a VMS noob (only been using it for about 4 years) and would appreciate any guidance I can get.  The network is simple.  4 machines hooked up to a switch and then the switch is attached to my cable modem/router. All, IP's are static as well.

You’ll get better speeds out of old PC’s running Linux, than out of RPi’s.  I have an RPi2, a Linux VM running on an ESXI Host, and a Linux Server hosting SIMH instances for my VMS cluster.  Then there is a real Alpha in the cluster as well.  My fastest “VAX” is the ESXI host.  I’m still running a VAXstation 4000/60 as my DECnet router, but plan to move it to a VM at some point.  SIMH VAX instances are a fantastic way to add cheap storage to a VMS Cluster with real VMS hardware in it.

I’m currently trying to figure out what I want to try the new VAXstation II VCB02 emulation on.  Leaning towards using on a Linux laptop.


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