[Simh] 32V on SIMH

Mark Pizzolato Mark at infocomm.com
Sun Jan 29 18:58:51 EST 2017

On Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Jason Self wrote:
> I've successfully booted 32V in the VAX-11/780 emulator built from git
> master on my GNU/Linux system. It's neat. My next task is to be able to copy
> files back and forth between the emulator and the host system.
> I've been doing some searching online and it's not entirely clear to me how to
> accomplish this. I'd thought I'd write in for advice or pointers. It doesn't
> matter much to me how it's accomplished: Somehow communicating with
> 32V while it's running in the emulator, shutting it down and accessing the
> disk image file, or whatever, as long as there is something.

Think back to when you might have been using a computer with 32V as the operating system.

You sat at a terminal (maybe glass tty or a terminal with a scroll of paper), you typed programs into the computer.  Maybe you printed things out on the local terminal, or maybe you printed things out to a line printer.  Maybe you wrote or read to/from a 9 track tape.

There are parallels for each of these on the simulated system, and fortunately due to modern computer interfaces, you don't have to type every character into the terminal you are working at now.  Cut and paste into a terminal emulator might save you hours of typing.  Most simulators will tolerate this without data loss even though you could never type that fast without losing data on the original systems.  :-)

Have fun.

- Mark 

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