[Simh] Pascal 1.3 manual for RSX 11 4.6

Will Senn will.senn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 21:47:18 EST 2016

On 2/2/16 5:17 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> You are welcome.
> That said, there are a few points I should make here.
> As you log into the demo account, you are getting into DCL.
> DCL is a CLI, but it is not the same as MCR. Thus, DCL actually have 
> different commands, but normally if DCL do not understand what you 
> wrote, it passes it on to MCR, which saved you here.
> So, editing in DCL is normally done with the command "EDIT". "EDT" is 
> the MCR command.
> You are using the DCL PASCAL command, good.
> TKB is once more a MCR command. The DCL command would be:
> DCL commands and qualifiers can be abbreviated. See HELP.
>     Johnny

Got it. So, I did:

$ edit leaves.pas
Input file does not exist
             program leaves(output);
                 a,b,sum,r,count : integer;

             a := 0;b := 0;sum := 1;count:= 21;

                     sum := sum + a;
                     a := b;
                     b := sum;
                     count := count - 1;
                 until count = 0;
                 write('sum = ':30,sum:10)
DB0:[USER]LEAVES.PAS;1 15 lines

$ pascal leaves.pas

Then, to link, it appears that I have choices, all of which appear to work:

$ link leaves,DB0:[11,36]PASEIS/LIBRARY
$ link leaves,DB0:[11,36]PASFPP/LIBRARY
$ link leaves,LB:[1,1]PASOTS/LIBRARY

$ run LEAVES
                         sum =      10946

I'm guessing that PASEIS uses PDP11 EIS opcode extensions (sometimes?) 
and PASFPP uses PDP11 FPP opcode extensions (sometimes?). I have no idea 
about PASOTS. But I'm glad my little pascal files are compiling/running!


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