[Simh] Pascal 1.3 manual for RSX 11 4.6

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Wed Feb 3 22:33:17 EST 2016

On 2016-02-04 03:47, Will Senn wrote:
> Got it. So, I did:
> $ edit leaves.pas
> Input file does not exist
> [EOB]
> *i
>              program leaves(output);
>              var
>                  a,b,sum,r,count : integer;
>              begin
>              a := 0;b := 0;sum := 1;count:= 21;
>                  repeat
>                      sum := sum + a;
>                      a := b;
>                      b := sum;
>                      count := count - 1;
>                  until count = 0;
>                  write('sum = ':30,sum:10)
>              end.
>              ^Z
> [EOB]
> *ex
> DB0:[USER]LEAVES.PAS;1 15 lines

Note that EDIT also take switches. You could do EDIT/TECO for instance. 
Not that I recommend it, as TECO is not an editor for beginners...

> $ pascal leaves.pas
> Then, to link, it appears that I have choices, all of which appear to work:
> $ link leaves,DB0:[11,36]PASEIS/LIBRARY
> $ link leaves,DB0:[11,36]PASFPP/LIBRARY
> $ link leaves,LB:[1,1]PASOTS/LIBRARY
> $ run LEAVES
>                          sum =      10946
> I'm guessing that PASEIS uses PDP11 EIS opcode extensions (sometimes?)
> and PASFPP uses PDP11 FPP opcode extensions (sometimes?). I have no idea
> about PASOTS. But I'm glad my little pascal files are compiling/running!

So, it would appear that there are several libraries provided with the 
PASCAL compiler. However, LB:[1,1] is normally the system directory 
where "official" libraries are installed, so that's the one I would 
normally expect to use. I would not be surprised if the installation of 
PASCAL actually copies either PASEIS or PASFPP to LB:[1,1]PASOTS, 
depending on what hardware you have on your system, so that normal users 
do not have to think about it, and just gets the right library 
independent of what hardware they might be running on.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                   ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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