[Simh] More on trying to run a Backup job

Michael Short michael.short.47 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 00:51:51 EDT 2015

Thanks for all who responded to my original request on trying
to get BACKUP to recognize a tape. I'm not trying to do a
backup; I'm trying to list the contents of a tape. I've tried going
through the Galaxy material and some of the monitor commands

Anyway, trying to use the instructions provided, everything looks
reasonable but BACKUP still can't open the tape. Below is the
console output as I tried to use the commands. Is there enough
provided here that might tell what is going wrong?

Here is the SIMH attach

att tu0 c:\emulators\pdp-10\tops-10\ks10_apt_install_tape.tap

.mount mta backup /label:un/volid:apttap/nowait
[Mount request MTA-VN8KL8 queued, request #16]

.r opr

22:42:30          -- There is 1 mount request pending --

22:48:36          -- Magtape mount request #16 --
                User: OPERATOR [1,2] Job #2
                Volume-set name: MTA-VN8KL8

                Volume-ID   Write   Labels  Track  Density
                ---------  -------  ------  -----  -------
                APTTAP     Locked   No        9    1600
OPR>show queue mount-requests
22:49:29                -- System Queues Listing --

Mount Queue:
Volume    Status     Type     Write    Req#   Job#          User
-------  --------  --------  -------  ------  ----  -------------------
APTTAP   Waiting   Magtape   Locked       16     2  OPERATOR [1,2]
   Volume-set: MTA-VN8KL8
   Label-Type: No, Tracks: 9, Density: 1600 BPI
There is 1 request in the queue

OPR>show status tape-drive
22:50:07                -- Tape Drive Status --

Drive  Trk  Status     AVR  Density       Write  Volume
------ --- ----------- --- ------------- ------- ------
MTA000  9  Online      Yes 1600          Enabled
MTA001  9  Free        Yes 800/1600
MTA002  9  Free        Yes 800/1600
MTA003  9  Free        Yes 800/1600

OPR>recognize mta0:
22:51:01        Device MTA000  -- Unlabeled volume mounted --
                Density 1600 BPI, write-Enabled
22:51:31          -- There is 1 mount request pending --
←[KOPR>identify mta0: request-id 16
22:52:04        Device MTA000  -- User Requested Write-Locked Volumes --
                User: OPERATOR [1,2] Job #2Volume Set:MTA-VN8KL8

Request-ID: 16
OPR>identify mta0: volume backup
22:52:45        Device MTA000  -- Unlabeled volume BACKUP mounted --

.r backup

/tape backup
?BKPCOM Can't OPEN mag tape

/tape mta0:
?BKPCOM Can't OPEN mag tape

/tape mta000
?BKPCOM Can't OPEN mag tape


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