[Simh] DECnet for TOPS-10

Timothe Litt litt at ieee.org
Sat Apr 13 17:40:09 EDT 2013

On 13-Apr-13 17:00, Rob Jarratt wrote:
> I wrote support for the KMC/DUP combo a long time ago, for simh v2.9.
> Works just fine, both for ANF and DECnet.  Sources are (still) at
> ftp://ftp.stacken.kth.se/pub/pdp10/v29upd if anyone is interested.
> I do not have any system up at the moment, due to a combination of HW
> problems and lack of time.
> --Johnny
If KDP (KMC/DUP) still works, it should be integrated into the PDP10 
simulator.  TOPS-10 (ANF-10 and DECnet) supports the device, and TOPS-20 
(DECnet) supports it.  Both on the KS10.
> It went into the PDP10 emulation for a while but was later
> removed when we were informed that it would have represented an impossible
> configuration as the DMC11 would have been in the PDP11 front end.
Whoever provided that information was correct for the DMC, but not for 
the DMR.

For the KL, yes, the DECnet serial line adapters were in the PDP11 front 
end.  Ethernet was on an internal channel.

If the DMC can be configured as a DMR, it should go into the PDP10 
simulator.  As I said, I wrote a KS10 (Unibus) driver for the DMR on 
TOPS10, which is in the distributed OS sources.  The DMC is useless on 
the KS10.  As I noted, the DMR uses fixed addresses in TOPS-10, not the 
usual Unibus floating addresses.

Either device would allow TOPS-10 networking to work under simh. TOPS-10 
can be configured for either or both devices.  TOPS-10 DECnet will work 
as either a Phase III or Phase IV end-node on the KS10.  (I did the 
Phase IV implementation for the KS.)

I was a developer for TOPS-10, and supported TOPS-20 (among other 
things), so this is authoritative.

This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.

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