[Simh] Extended SimH on BeagleBone controls real blinkenlight panels

Quentin North (noisy) quentin at quentin.org.uk
Sat Apr 21 07:56:20 EDT 2012

On 20 Apr 2012, at 20:46, Nathan Cutler wrote:

> If I remember correctly, the SimH serial-port emulation relies on
> telnet. Awhile back I tried to attach a real VT420 to a SimH/VAX
> instance running OpenVMS 7.3, and as I found out it's not really the
> same as running a VT420 attached to a real VAX. To gain access to SimH
> using the VT420, one first has to get the VT420 connected to the host
> computer (running Linux in my case, so I used the computer's serial
> port and a serial console - getty). From there, one must telnet into
> the VAX, either using OpenVMS TCP/IP Services or using SimH's
> serial-port emulation.

Im just talking about the system console. Im simulating an HP2100 system using simh and for this the system console is on the simh console. Consequently, if I attach to the host computer using serial and then run up the HP2100 system, the system console is on the serial port. All the user terminals via the multiplexer are indeed on telenet, for which a terminal server, or something similar, would be needed to give serial i/o, but an ASR33 system console would be possible.

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