[Simh] Making tape/disk images

Tim Newsham newsham at lava.net
Wed May 5 15:25:08 EDT 2010

>> tape image code knows of nothing above tape blocks and
>> file marks.
> Al hits the issue exactly on the head.
> If SIMH only had to emulate one operating system, with one 
> OS/application tape format, then I think the concept of a "virtual 
> filesystem tape image" would be OK.

sorry, I'm a bit ignorant about tape formats, but when I've
used tapes in the past with simh all I had to do was
pick a block size, write out a series of blocks followed by
an end-of-file marker and then write out an end-of-tape marker.
This at least seems like it would be trivial to do on-the-fly.

Are there some systems that differ substantially from this?

(note: I'm not suggesting supporting any type of notion of filesystem)

Tim Newsham | www.thenewsh.com/~newsham | thenewsh.blogspot.com

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