[Simh] Getting to the 780 console prompt

Knudsen, Ole Ole.Knudsen at hp.com
Thu Apr 23 08:55:44 EDT 2009


In the past I ran diagnosis on the 11/780. It is true, that they could be loaded from the console, but we was primarily running from the system disk.

All diagnostics files was copied to [sysmaint] on the system disk, diagboot.exe {as I remember} was the secondary boot file.

Boot /r5:10 would boot into the diagnostic supervisor (DS>) from where all diagnostics could be loaded and started in standalone mode.

http://vt100.net/mirror/hcps/ds780ug2.pdf shows how to test the 11/780.

It will not be possible to run micro diagnostic on the emulator, they are based on specific microrutines loaded into the hardware, they are testing isolated part of the logic without executing VAX instructions.

Best regards

Ole Knudsen

-----Original Message-----
From: simh-bounces at trailing-edge.com [mailto:simh-bounces at trailing-edge.com] On Behalf Of Brad Parker
Sent: 23. april 2009 13:43
To: r.jarratt at computer.org
Cc: simh at trailing-edge.com
Subject: Re: [Simh] Getting to the 780 console prompt

"Robert Jarratt" wrote:
>The reason I want to get to the 780's console is so that I can boot
>standalone diagnostics as per this document:

I have never done that on a 780, but for pdp-11 paper tape diagnostics
(which I have run), it's easy to load the files and just run them.

I also wrote a program to extract xxdp diagnostics from a disk image.
(which allows me to run them in various non-simh simulators)

I guess the issue would be to get images of the diagnostic floppies.
Once you have those I suspect we could find a way to get them into

Do you have those images?

Anyone know if the diagnostic supervisor runs on the lsi-11 or the 780?

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