[Simh] A new version...

Terry Newton wtn90125 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 19 11:54:28 EDT 2008

--- On Fri, 9/19/08, Philipp Hachtmann <hachti at hachti.de> wrote:

> there's a new version of my Makefile:
> http://hachti.de/simh/Makefile

I tried the new makefile, the only edit I made to it was
changing "bin" to "BIN".

With Ubuntu 8.04 w/ about 440 megs ram and about 900 megs swap
the makefile works perfectly. Thanks for addressing the concern
over recompiling, make hp2100clean hp2100 seems to work fine
and solves that "problem" nicely. I was surprised that the new
make is much faster than using the stock makefile. The binaries
came out yet another size by a fraction of a K or so but by now
I'm used to that, compilers are just weird that way. The only
thing I need to do that I didn't have to do before is manually
remove the object files... (very carefully) rm *.o followed by
rm */*.o - this is acceptable since it gives the choice to
leave them and speed up recompiles.. noted when I removed
the "bin" dir and binaries and edited for BIN instead, took
just a second to recreate all the binaries.

Ok for use under Linux I'm sold, the new makefile appears
to be better. But only for use under *nix environments...

Under Windows XP running in VirtualBox with 192MB ram and
a 512MB swap file, all I get is:

mingw32-make: *** virtual memory exhausted.  Stop.

This is with v3.80 of mingw32-make. The error occurs immediately
with no other output, I rather doubt it actually used all of
virtual memory (but maybe tried to grab more than was available).
Working out the dependencies should require nowhere near the
amount of memory available, although on the small side, I use
this system to run fairly intense apps including 3D viewers so
I suspect an incompatibility with the MinGW make program.
Build_mingw.bat works fine with the stock makefile.

> > The problem turned out to be the makefile requires
> tabs
> That's a common mistake. You should simply use the
> "save as" command

Not an option with Yahoo mail, text attachments are converted
to in-line and characters replaced as the service sees fit.
And I sure don't want mailing lists etc taking up room on my
hard drive so I'd rather not use a regular email client.

OK folks I'm done with the makefile business for now (yay!),
although educational I might have learned more than I wanted
to know about make :-) if you want me to retest a different
version under VirtualBox/XP let me know but for now it's back
to HP21MX hacking - got a Z-Machine to try to write.



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