[Simh] RTE-6/VM configuration

Terry Newton wtn90125 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 4 01:29:38 EDT 2008


I've been playing around with the RTE-6/VM primary systems
(cool! nice to see those tapes run) but the default systems
have no PTR/PTP devices, so can't directly load objects etc
from PC files. I've been reading the docs (intense), got it
narrowed down to regenerating an entirely new system using
an edited #AN600 answer file for RTE6GN (somehow... fuzzy
on the specifics), or perhaps use DRREL/DRREP to modify one
of the primary systems directly.

I'd like to import and run MMM, Adventure and other old games
on RTE-6/VM. For "graphical" games I can insert my HP->VT100
translation code into the v3-8 sim, or perhaps use QCterm.
If anyone could offer some advice on how to enable PTR/PTP
under RTE-6/VM I'd appreciate it.



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