[Simh] What version of PCAP was used for build the current release of SIMH?

Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon at worldnet.att.net
Thu Apr 28 00:09:24 EDT 2005

Hello from Gregg C Levine
I am having my usual share of problems today, in trying to build SIMH
3.3-2 for Linux. For the usual reasons I turned on the networking
option, by using the same flag as for when the Windows build tools are
used. It proceeds normally until it gets to the PDP11 code with
regards to the networking options. Here's a script output which
explains it in greater detail:
Script started on Wed 27 Apr 2005 11:38:20 PM EDT
root at who3:/usr/local/simh# make -f makefile USE_NETWORK=1gcc -std=c99
-O2 -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -g -lm -D_GNU_SOURCE -I . PDP11/pdp11_fp.c
PDP11/pdp11_cpu.c PDP11/pdp11_dz.c PDP11/pdp11_cis.c PDP11/pdp11_lp.c
PDP11/pdp11_rk.c PDP11/pdp11_rl.c PDP11/pdp11_rp.c PDP11/pdp11_rx.c
PDP11/pdp11_stddev.c PDP11/pdp11_sys.c PDP11/pdp11_tc.c
PDP11/pdp11_tm.c PDP11/pdp11_ts.c PDP11/pdp11_io.c PDP11/pdp11_rq.c
PDP11/pdp11_tq.c PDP11/pdp11_pclk.c PDP11/pdp11_ry.c PDP11/pdp11_pt.c
PDP11/pdp11_hk.c PDP11/pdp11_xq.c PDP11/pdp11_xu.c PDP11/pdp11_vh.c
PDP11/pdp11_rh.c PDP11/pdp11_tu.c PDP11/pdp11_cpumod.c scp.c
sim_console.c sim_fio.c sim_timer.c sim_sock.c sim_tmxr.c sim_ether.c
sim_tape.c -DVM_PDP11 -I PDP11/ -DUSE_NETWORK -isystem
/usr/local/include /usr/local/lib/libpcap.a -o BIN/pdp11 sim_ether.c:
In function `eth_write':sim_ether.c:768: warning: implicit declaration
of function `pcap_sendpacket'/tmp/ccNkGRJa.o(.text+0xcf3): In function
`eth_write':/usr/local/simh/sim_ether.c:768: undefined reference to
`pcap_sendpacket'collect2: ld returned 1 exit statusmake: ***
[BIN/pdp11] Error 1root at who3:/usr/local/simh# exit
Script done on Wed 27 Apr 2005 11:46:38 PM EDT

As you can see the error surfaced when the program discovered it
couldn't find something inside the PCAP library. I use the Slackware
distribution. According to the screens concerning the TCPDUMP package,
the version is 0.8.3 for PCAP.  Oh, and rather then edit the make
file, I chose to copy over the relevant library and header files to
their relevant locations. 

Is my question answered inside the text files that come with the SIMH
programs zip file? In any case my question, once an answer is
available should be installed into a FAQ entry. 
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon at worldnet.att.net
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