[Simh] macro11

Don North ak6dn at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 7 12:55:39 EST 2020

On 2020-03-06 07:48 PM, Robert Armstrong wrote:
>     Thanks, Olaf, for the updates.  macro11 is working pretty well now.
>     Is there a a path from macro11 .obj files to absolute memory images,
>     preferably in -11 absolute loader paper tape image format, that I can
>     transfer to a real -11?
>     Did someone say that there’s link11 as well?  Or a task builder?
>     Thanks,
>     Bob Armstrong
A while back I was looking to do the same thing (assemble macro11 files into 
.bin images loadable into, for example, simh) but never found a solution like 
the sources for a linker outside of a DEC O/S.

So I built this: https://github.com/AK6DN/obj2bin

And use it like this in my Makefile (under cygwin on windows):

    *# makefile for pdp11 bin code**
    **.PRECIOUS: %.obj**
    **MACOPT ?= -d md -d me -e bex -yus -rt11**
    **OBJOPT ?= --debug --verbose**
    **%.obj : %.mac**
    **    macro11 $< $(MACOPT) -l $*.lst -o $@**
    **%.bin : %.obj**
    **    obj2bin.pl $(OBJOPT) --binary --log $(@:.bin=.log) --out $@ $+**
    **# all the files to be made**
    **BIN=memx.bin echo1.bin echo2.bin dl11.bin**
    **all : $(BIN)**

Besides linking multiple .obj into a single .bin, it can also generate M9312 
compatible boot and console PROM hex image files.


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