[Simh] Install VAX/VMS 4.4 on a simulated VAX-11/780

Henk van de Kamer simh at vandekamer.com
Wed Mar 28 06:41:27 EDT 2018

> This all looks fine but as you are using an old version of Simh you will
> need to add 'set rq1 rx33' to your ini file. The rq1 device will not
> automatically adjust to the size of the image like it does in newer
> versions. Also the CS device is called RX in the older version.

The set I had in my earlier experiment [1] (in Dutch, but the commands 
and output should be clear). This gives the same error. As said this was 
one of the experiments which at least showed something happening :-)

> If you start from the heading 'Setting up the VAX-11/782' and ignore
> anything relating to the ma0 and ma1 devices then the instructions on my
> website should work just fine for a standard VAX-11/780 up to the point
> where is says 'The installation of VAX/VMS is now complete'.

Thanks for confirming. I indeed ignored all the ma0 and ma1 references. 
Unfortunately it didn't work. Someone suggested that I compile the 
newest version and that is my next experiment. I hope that it works, 
because compiling usually opens another can of worms :-)

[1] http://www.hetlab.tk/museum/vax-11780-simulator-2


Henk van de Kamer

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