[Simh] External bus interface

Bob Supnik bob at supnik.org
Thu Jan 18 13:32:21 EST 2018

Yes, in separate processes. They use shared memory sections to 
communicate - one as main memory, one as control state.


On 1/18/2018 12:26 PM, Lars Brinkhoff wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks, that's good to know.  It's encouraging that something is
> underway.
> Are the machines running inside the same process?  I was vaguely
> thinking about running machines as separate processes, with some
> communication mechanism between them.  Maybe shared memory, maybe
> something else.  It wouldn't even have to be SimH in both ends.
> But I'll take what I can get!
> Best regards,
> Lars Brinkhoff
>> SimH knows nothing of the internal structure of simulators, so I'm
>> skeptical of a SimH-level solution. However, a simulator-specific
>> interface can be built.
>> As an example, I am finishing up the UC15, which is exactly what you
>> describe - a PDP11 that is connected to the memory of a PDP15 and
>> controlled via a cross-connected paralllel link. The PDP11 acts as an
>> IO processor for the PDP15.
>> I have not solved all the problems. The solution requires a multi-core
>> (or other kind of SMP) system, with one core per simulator. It
>> probably depends on in-order writes and strong cache consistency
>> semantics. And it definitely depends on tight polling, which causes
>> the cores to run flat out (unsuitable for mobile devices).

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