[Simh] Seventh release of the HP 3000 Series III simulator

J. David Bryan jdbryan at acm.org
Sat Jan 13 14:33:39 EST 2018

The seventh release of the HP 3000 Series III simulator is now available 
from the Computer History Simulation Project (SIMH) site:


This release significantly improves ATC terminal I/O.  File uploads via 
Telnet using the Reflection terminal emulator are now over 100 times faster 
than before (for example, the upload time for a one-megabyte file has 
decreased from 69 minutes to 30 seconds).  Block mode reads show similar 
speed improvements.  Copy-and-paste into the terminal window, Reflection 
file downloads, and output to the terminal window in REMOTEACK mode show 
speed improvements of five to fifteen times.  Output in LOCALACK mode has 
been improved by around 50%.

In addition, an updated "HP 3000 Simulator User's Guide" that adds 
information on the ATC setup required for successful Reflection transfers 
is provided in Microsoft Word format with the source download and also as a 
PDF file at:


The preconfigured MPE-V/R disc image available here:


...has been updated to increase the number of terminal buffers per port.  
This helps to avoid the "MPE Table TBUF has overflowed!!!" system console 
message that otherwise occurs during Reflection uploads.

                                      -- Dave

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