[Simh] Reading PDP-15 and PDP-9 tapes

Pontus Pihlgren pontus at Update.UU.SE
Wed Dec 19 08:31:47 EST 2018


I have a stack of PDP-15 tapes and my friend has a stack of PDP-9 tapes. 
My friend also has a PDP-8/a with TD8E and working DECtape drive. We 
would like to use OS/8 to make images of these tapes.

So first I wanted to do it with SIMH in order to get the details right 
when I start reading actual physical tapes.

Using an OS/8 image by David Gesswein: 

And a PDP-15 DECtape image from the DOS-15 software kit:

I tried my best to get an image from the emulated TD8E to the emulated 
RK-drive. My simh setup is as follows:

set dt disable
set td enable
at rk diag-games-kermit.rk05
at dt -f update1.dta
boot rk

Then I use PIP10:

.R PIP10

But it just seems to loop over DECtape I/O-instructions.

Any suggestions to what I should be doing?

Thanks in advance,

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