[Simh] Attach tar to tape device and access it from v7 in simh

Clem Cole clemc at ccc.com
Tue Nov 7 17:18:20 EST 2017

The original V7 tar was not quite graceful about directories and that image
was probably not written by an original V7 system.  The directory issues
were fixed quickly.   You need a new tar, such as the one from 2BSD to read
that tape without error messages, although I suspect the original will read
it if
you do something like:

tar vtf foo.tar  > tapedirectory
grep and filter the directories tapedirectory and make a directory.list
then read that in a script that does mkdirs on the files in directory.list

Also warming, mkdir -p probably does not exist in V6 or V7 IIRC

 Finally, 1BSD (aka BSD) was based V6, 2BSD was for V7.  It was originally
a tp tape, if you have a tar image of it, it was converted by someone.


On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Will Senn <will.senn at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/7/17 2:45 PM, Clem Cole wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Clem Cole <clemc at ccc.com> wrote:
>> You need to convert the foo.tar file to a foo.tap before simh's mag tape
>> reader will understand it.
> ​1.) ​
> gunzip 1bsd.tar.gz
> 2
> ​.)
> enblock <1bsd.tar >
> ​1bsd
> .tap
> ​3.) ​in simh:    att mt0 1bsd.tap
> ​4.) in unix:  ​tar vxfb /dev/rmt0 ...
> Thanks, Clem. Now I'm getting somewhere!
> I converted to a tap file (lo and behold, I wrote a perl script that did
> this for the silly thing 2 years ago) and ran it. Then attached the tap to
> simh and in v7:
> # tar xvfb /dev/rmt0
> Invalid blocksize. (Max 20)
> hmm... that doesn't sound good, let's try it another way:
> # tar xv0
> tar: ashell/ - cannot create
> x ashell/cont.a, 114488 bytes, 224 tape blocks
> x ashell/READ_ME, 825 bytes, 2 tape blocks
> # ls -ld ashell
> drwxrwxr-x 2 root       64 Dec 31 22:18 ashell
> # ls ashell
> cont.a
> # find . -name "more*" -a -print
> #
> ...
> It's coming back to me now, but oh so slowly, why is it complaining about
> cannot create all the while creating the folder? Also, darn! I was hoping
> more would be in there somewhere. Anybody know where the more or less pager
> source code might be for v7?
> Thanks,
> Will
> --
> GPG Fingerprint: 68F4 B3BD 1730 555A 4462  7D45 3EAA 5B6D A982 BAAF
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