[Simh] Tops (-10) development

Johnny Eriksson bygg at cafax.se
Fri Sep 2 14:08:58 EDT 2016

> Okay - I am poking at this again and I am completely confused as to how
> to correctly compile and link the monitor.

I realise that I have not done much documentation...

> What scripts do I need to execute to configure the path before building
> and linking? ;)

For now, hope that this helps.  Will try to do a better job in the future.

Right now I have very little spare time, but I will try to help out with
this as much as I can.

First, the general layout is that the DEC sources are kept in [10,7],
unmodified, and all changes are done to a tree under [10,10].

For the system itself, built on the monitor sources included with the
twonky distribution, the DEC sources are under [10,7,mon705] and the
updated stuff is under [10,10,mon705].  To build a new system, let's
call it XXX, under what I have, do essentially the following:

(the program CD is on dskg:[1,4])

.cd 10,10,mon705

; Create all logical names needed:
.do setup

; We are doing this for a KL:
.cd kl

; Compile all changed sources:
.do comp

; Compile the IP stack, and make a library:
.do ipv4

; Make a subdir for the system, and install template files:
; (using topsy as a template source)
.copy xxx.sfd=nul:
.cd xxx
.copy =topsy:*.*

; Use some editor to create xxx.mic from topsy.mic, and change
; things like node name and numbers for the various networks.

; Run the newly created mic file to construct syscnf.mac:
.do xxx

; compile the common modules:
.do common

; finally, link the system:
.do link

At this point you should have a SYSTEM.EXE in this directory.

Hope this helps somewhat.


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