[Simh] networking support

Paul Koning paulkoning at comcast.net
Sat Mar 12 09:01:02 EST 2016

> On Mar 11, 2016, at 8:41 PM, Bill Cunningham <billcun at suddenlink.net> wrote:
>     Are there any plans by the developers and maintainers to add networking support to any of the simulators that do not have it? AFAIK pdp11 and vax are the only two that have networking support.

pdp10 does, also.

It obviously depends on the simulated hardware.  You can't add networking to the IBM 1620 because that never existed.  In some cases, networking is purely a software function -- for example when the host OS does DDCMP over a UART, in that case all SimH needs to do is provide the UART.


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