[Simh] Instructions and Apocrypha (was: Interdata/OS32 startup)

Bob Supnik bob at supnik.org
Fri Jan 29 12:47:06 EST 2016

I agree: documented procedures for working with various operating 
systems and software systems are very useful. That's why a number of 
simulators include instructions on running diagnostics and the like.

If someone can create a "cookbook" for getting OS32 up and running, it 
can be added to the Interdata directory on GITS, to go along with 
id_diag.txt, which provides instructions for running the Interdata 
diagnostics. (I can't add it to kits on simh.trailing-edge.com because 
I've lost access to the FTP server, and Tim Shoppa seems to be 
permanently offline.)

And as Al Kossow said, it's a shame that OS16 has never been found. I 
don't know of any 16b Interdata software, other than diagnostics.

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