[Simh] RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape

Mark Pizzolato Mark at infocomm.com
Wed Jan 6 19:00:19 EST 2016

On  Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> >> Other options could be using a disk with the files on it, setting up
> >> tapes, but also, if simh supports it, possibly using the virtual DOS
> >> device, that other emulators have, as well as using DECnet.
> >>
> > Does the virtual DOS device work in linux/mac?
> Does the DOS device exist in simh would be the first question...

No such thing is in simh.  

It is not clear exactly what or how this would work with the legacy 
systems that are around.

It would be hard to imagine that actually emulating a DOS disk structure 
(FAT, NTFS or other) would be useful since then someone would have 
to write driver software for each legacy OS to interpret this completely 
foreign structure.  The next logical step would be to implement some
'natural' file system that some least common denominator of legacy
Systems could understand.  This might be RT-11 format maybe.

If someone wants to take on this concept, I'll be open to looking at what 
they're thinking.

Meanwhile, the 'crude' way to exchange data on most simulators can 
actually be done with cut and paste in console or telnet sessions.

Real files can move over the network (possibly with a couple of hops)
from modern systems via tcp (FTP) into VMS or RSX (thanks Johnny) 
systems which can then pass them via DECnet to RSTS.

- Mark

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