[Simh] Pontus asks Is [the] BSD [license] liberal enough?

Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm Mark at infocomm.com
Mon Jun 8 11:02:09 EDT 2015

On Monday, June 08, 2015 at 6:25 AM, Andreas Davour wrote:
> How about we pend this discussion until we know if the code in question will
> be relicenced to Bob's satisfaction?

Well, as mentioned earlier by Tom Morris, the original author changed to a BSD (in Clem's terms Dead Fish) License almost 5 years ago, so much of this discussion isn't relevant to that.  I initially thought that it also had a GPL license since the directory layout had a COPYING file which is standard in GPL open source code.

That said, the code involved isn't in any way derived from a simh simulator so there is nothing just waiting to be 'folded in' to the simh project.  Some pieces of might be useful for someone implementing a new simh simulator, but these are just relatively small parts of what would be required to get a whole system working.  As Bob originally mentioned, detailed documentation on the system and useful software to run on it would be needed before undertaking such an effort.

- Mark

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