[Simh] Tutorial on setting up RT-11 v5.3 in SimH PDP-11

Will Senn will.senn at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 17:17:26 EST 2015


I have posted a new blog entry in the form of a tutorial on setting up 
and using RT-11 v5.3 in SimH. It is accessible via:


I am aware of and appreciate the extant tutorials, but I have found them 
lacking when it comes to helping a novice or occasional hobbiest 
understand the process of getting started. The tutorial describes how to 
set up a working RT-11 environment for doing MACRO-11 development on the 
PDP-11. I wrote it in order to ensure I could replicate the steps 
required when needed and to help others less persistent than I, with a 
recipe for getting up and running easily, but solidly. Following the 
tutorial should be sufficient to get a hobbyist up an running and able 
to build MACRO-11 applications from text to execution. In a sequel, I 
will cover the use of MACRO and LINK in a bit more detail and also cover 
the ODT debugger.

Please check it out and let me know if you have thoughts, comments, 
suggestions, or criticisms and thanks to those of you who have helped me 
gain the knowledge necessary to write this up. I am still a novice, but 
coming up to speed nicely.



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