[Simh] TSV05 on PDP-11/VAX

Alan Frisbie frisbie at flying-disk.com
Mon Apr 13 18:15:54 EDT 2015

> There is one key issue with your configuration:
> As soon as you specifically set a device address or vector you
> implicitly disable auto configuration of all device addresses and
> vectors.  So early in your configuration you set an address for
> the RQ device.  The address you set is the default
> auto-configuration address for the first MSCP controller so that
> isn't necessary.  Leave out that line.  Your second MSCP
> controller is not at the auto-configuration address for a
> secondary MSCP controller, so that will have to be handled
> separately (move device setup for devices with non-standard
> addresses to the end of your configuration).  The TS device is at
> the default auto-configuration address (and vector) so merely
> enable the device and DON'T set any address.  The RY device is at
> a non-standard auto-configuration address so move that section to
> the end of the configuration.  The LPT device is at the standard
> auto-configuration address for the first LPT device, so don't set
> address and vectors for this device.

That fixed the problem and I can now read tapes from MS0:.

Now if I can figure out why CON ONLINE ALL is taking such a
long time to execute...

Thanks a lot,
Alan Frisbie

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