[Simh] TSV05 on PDP-11/VAX

Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm Mark at infocomm.com
Mon Apr 13 14:35:11 EDT 2015

On Monday, April 13, 2015 at 12:15 PM, Alan Frisbie wrote:
> > > Is anyone sucessfully using the TSV05 (TS) device with the PDP-11
> > > (or VAX) emulation?
> > Yes.
> OK, then I must be doing something wrong.
> > > Here is the SIMH configuration info:
> > >
> > >   sim> show ts
> > >   TS      address=17772520-17772523, no vector
> > >           attached to
> dka300:[tpc_images.aef]108_AEF_WD_DRIVER_RSX.TPC,
> > >           read only, write enabled, TPC format unlimited capacity
> > >
> > > (As an aside, why does it display "no vector", when the physical device
> (and
> > > hopefully the emulation) uses a fixed vector of 224?)
> >
> > This detail should be resolved before much else will work.
> Aha, that would make sense.   If it doesn't interrupt, RSX will
> never see the operation completion.
> > Please supply the configuration file you are using with the
> > simulator and more precise and useful answers can be provided.
> Here it is:

There is one key issue with your configuration:

As soon as you specifically set a device address or vector you implicitly disable auto configuration of all device addresses and vectors.  So early in your configuration you set an address for the RQ device.  The address you set is the default auto-configuration address for the first MSCP controller so that isn't necessary.  Leave out that line.  Your second MSCP controller is not at the auto-configuration address for a secondary MSCP controller, so that will have to be handled separately (move device setup for devices with non-standard addresses to the end of your configuration).  The TS device is at the default auto-configuration address (and vector) so merely enable the device and DON'T set any address.  The RY device is at a non-standard auto-configuration address so move that section to the end of the configuration.  The LPT device is at the standard auto-configuration address for the first LPT device, so don't set address and vectors for this device.

The below configuration reflects what I said above.  Meanwhile what issues with the SIMH serial line implementation are a problem?

; RSX1986.INI
; SIMH initialization file to set up an environment for
; a PDP-11 that will properly run the Flying Disk Systems
; RSX-11M-Plus v3.0 system from 1986 using the values
; from the SYSGEN saved answer file.
set cpu 11/73
set cpu 2048K
set tti 8b
set tto 8b
; Devices not used in this configuration
set DZ disabled
set RX disabled
set TQ disabled
set RQC disabled
set RQD disabled
; RH controllers (Massbus)
; RHA address=17776700-17776753, vector=254 (default)
set RHA enabled
set RHB disabled
; Drives on RHA
set RP0 RM05
set RP1 RM03
; RK11 cartridge disk controllers
; RK address=17777400-17777417, vector=220 (default)
; Unit 0/1 is an RK05F (fixed)
; Unit 2 is an RK05J (removable)
set RK enabled
; RL11/RLV11 disk cartridge controllers
; RL  RLV12, address=17774400-17774411, vector=160 (default), 2 units
set RL0 RL02
set RL1 RL02
set RL2 disabled
set RL3 disabled
; MSCP disk controllers
set RQ enabled
; Default RQ address=17772150
set RQ0 enabled
; CR11 card reader
; CR	address=17777160-17777167, vector=230 (default)
set CR enabled
; TS11/TU80/TSV05/TK25 magtape controllers
; TS address=17772520-17772523, vector=224 (default)
set TS enabled
; Vector is fixed in hardware at 224
; LP/LS/LV11/LA180 line printer
; LPT address=17777514-17777517, vector=200 (default)
set LPT enabled
; PC11 paper tape reader/punch
; PTR address=17777550-17777553, vector=70 (default)
; PTP address=17777554-17777557, vector=74 (default)
set PTR enabled
set PTP enabled
; Devices with non default (auto configured) address and vectors:
set RQB enabled
set RQB address=17772144
; Vector is set by software (RSX)
; set RQB vector=170
set RQB1 enabled
set RQB2 enabled
set RQB3 enabled
; RXV21 disk controllers
set RY enabled
set RY address=17777170
set RY vector=264

; Because SIMH serial line implementation is not compatible
; with our configuration, do not enable them.
; Likewise, the TU58 is not supported.
; Attach our two primary disks
attach rq1 DKA200:[FRISBIE.SIMH]RSX_RD53_1.DSK
attach rq3 DKA200:[FRISBIE.SIMH]RSX_RD53_3.DSK

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