[Simh] PDP8, Adventure, and SIMH

Villy Madsen Villy.Madsen at Shaw.ca
Thu Apr 4 23:23:39 EDT 2013

Speaking of DEC terminals,

I really loved the VT132.

We used them for a call center application.  We had always had problems 
with the operators not doing a good job of describing what was on the 
screen when they had a problem (that was on an old RSTS-E, pdp11/30 
multi-term application)

The new app was on a VAX - and definitely not a multi-term application.  
When the operators ran into a problem, they would hit one of the PF 
keys, the terminal app would copy the screen contents (what was actually 
on the screen and not what the program thought was on the screen!) save 
it, prompt the operator for information and then generate a problem log 
entry for us...

We loved it!!  The screens were also table driven - so we could 
typically change the entire layout in about 15 or 20 minutes.  (of 
course we never blew away the previous versions, because chances were 
they wouldn't like the new layour!!)

A lot easier, and a lot less hassle than writing HTML applications.
In-service date 1982 or thereabouts
retirement date 2004.  (service no longer required)

Things were certainly simpler - and maybe even better in some ways in 
the old days.


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