[Simh] Cross-assemblers, cross-compilers: success! (so far)

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Wed Jul 25 04:37:23 EDT 2012

On Wed, 2012-07-25 10:25:13 +0200, Jordi Guillaumes i Pons <jg at jordi.guillaumes.name> wrote:
> Al 25/07/12 10:16, En/na Jan-Benedict Glaw ha escrit:
> > On Wed, 2012-07-25 00:05:27 +0200, Jordi Guillaumes i Pons <jg at jordi.guillaumes.name> wrote:
> jguillaumes at eeepc2jordi:~$ pdp11-aout-ld
> pdp11-aout-ld:built in linker script:7: syntax error

This seems to be fixed in what you can find in binutils's GIT tree:

------------------- >8 ============================
jbglaw at darkeye:/mnt/devel/src/linux/pdp11_test$ ls
hello.s  Makefile  putcon.s
jbglaw at darkeye:/mnt/devel/src/linux/pdp11_test$ cat Makefile
#!/usr/bin/make -f

        pdp11-aout-as putcon.s -o putcon.o
        pdp11-aout-as hello.s -o hello.o
        pdp11-aout-ld hello.o putcon.o -o hellopdp.out

        rm -f putcon.o hello.o hellopdp.out
jbglaw at darkeye:/mnt/devel/src/linux/pdp11_test$ make
pdp11-aout-as putcon.s -o putcon.o
pdp11-aout-as hello.s -o hello.o
pdp11-aout-ld hello.o putcon.o -o hellopdp.out
jbglaw at darkeye:/mnt/devel/src/linux/pdp11_test$ pdp11-aout-objdump -d hellopdp.out 

hellopdp.out:     file format a.out-pdp11

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <start>:
   0:   15c6 1000       mov     $10000, sp
   4:   15c1 0100       mov     $400, r1
   8:   15c2 000c       mov     $14, r2
   c:   9240            movb    (r1), r0
   e:   09f7 000e       jsr     pc, 20 <putcon.o>
  12:   0ac2            dec     r2
  14:   0303            beq     1c <helloc+0x10>
  16:   0a81            inc     r1
  18:   0077 fff0       jmp     c <helloc>
  1c:   00a0            nop

00000020 <putcon.o>:
  20:   1066            mov     r1, -(sp)
  22:   10a6            mov     r2, -(sp)
  24:   15c1 1388       mov     $11610, r1
  28:   1dc2 ff48       mov     $ffffff74 <XCSR>, r2
  2c:   3097 0080       bit     r2, $200
  30:   0206            bne     3e <putcon.o+0x1e>
  32:   0ac1            dec     r1
  34:   02f9            bne     28 <putcon.o+0x8>
  36:   15c0 0002       mov     $2, r0
  3a:   0077 0022       jmp     60 <putcon.o+0x40>
  3e:   9037 ff34       movb    r0, $ffffff76 <XBUF>
  42:   15c1 1388       mov     $11610, r1
  46:   1dc2 ff2a       mov     $ffffff74 <XCSR>, r2
  4a:   3097 0080       bit     r2, $200
  4e:   0206            bne     5c <putcon.o+0x3c>
  50:   0ac1            dec     r1
  52:   02f9            bne     46 <putcon.o+0x26>
  54:   15c0 0002       mov     $2, r0
  58:   0077 0004       jmp     60 <putcon.o+0x40>
  5c:   15c0 0000       mov     $0, r0
  60:   1582            mov     (sp)+, r2
  62:   1581            mov     (sp)+, r1
  64:   0087            rts     pc
=================== 8< ----------------------------

So this seems to work out of the box right now.

> Of course, binutils is a widely used package, and the public
> interest of being able to build paper tape images for a simulator of
> an almost dead architecture is... debatable :) Of course, the fun
> factor already applies :)

I didn't work in that area, but I'll have a look at it Maybe it can
easily be worked out.

And GCC? I cannot yet tell about it, it's still building. Takes some
more time than binutils...


      Jan-Benedict Glaw      jbglaw at lug-owl.de              +49-172-7608481
  Signature of:                          Zensur im Internet? Nein danke!
  the second  :
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