[Simh] Extended SimH on BeagleBone controls real blinkenlight panels

Quentin North (noisy) quentin at quentin.org.uk
Fri Apr 20 14:57:53 EDT 2012

Very off topic, but there is a old HP computer simulator called HP9800E which fully simulates in software the look, feel and sound of the HP98XX range of programmable calculators/computers. If you run it up it makes the fan noises and the printer noises and everything whilst flashing all thr right lights. If you use some of the peripherals, like the plotter or tape drive, it even makes plotter and tape drive noises. Very comprehensive. http://hp9800e.sourceforge.net/

Also, I have simh running on a SheevaPlug plug computer under Debian linux which provides a UART and USB for serial connections (it has no PC type console). I use a serail terminal emulator as the console, but If I had a Decwriter or a teleetype it would work. 

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