[Simh] VMS 4.6 won't boot from a Massbus disk / VMS 4.X source set

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Wed Jan 26 16:38:18 EST 2011

On Wed, 2011-01-26 07:03:13 -0800, Al Kossow <aek at bitsavers.org> wrote:
> On 1/26/11 5:14 AM, Hölscher wrote:
> > I can supply a VMS 4.X source set, but it is on microfiche.
> I have the fiche source sets for at least 1.x -> 5.x and a scanner
> If there are specific files needed, I scan scan those.

Aren't there any source listings digitally available? Didn't anybody
scan then and run them through OCR? Sure, that wouldn't result in
compileable code, but at least, it would be somewhat searchable.

With only little luck, I'd probably get access to digital microfiche
readers/scanners at the university where my girlfriend teaches, but I
haven't got any source sets. But really, it would be great to have
them available in a somewhat searchable format...

OTOH, I'd even think of placing a project on kickstarter.com to bring
up the money for a scanner and offer to scan a card per day
afterwards. Al, would you borrow your fiches?


      Jan-Benedict Glaw      jbglaw at lug-owl.de              +49-172-7608481
Signature of: 23:53 <@jbglaw> So, ich kletter' jetzt mal ins Bett.
the second  : 23:57 <@jever2> .oO( kletter ..., hat er noch Gitter vorm Bett, wie früher meine Kinder?)
              00:00 <@jbglaw> jever2: *patsch*
              00:01 <@jever2> *aua*, wofür, Gedanken sind frei!
              00:02 <@jbglaw> Nee, freie Gedanken, die sind seit 1984 doch aus!
              00:03 <@jever2> 1984? ich bin erst seit 1985 verheiratet!
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