[Simh] Installing software

Christopher Myers thisisentchris87 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 10:02:32 EST 2011

The RSTS/E v9.7 distribution is here, along with all the layered products
you could ever want:


One thing though, v9.7 doesn't have any y2k patches. You could try
installing version 10.1 though, which is on there (library isn't). ;)
I know I am.

Michael Richter is correct and I will add that [0,1] is the primary location
for most system files.

"@[0,1]instal layered_products" can be a bit tricky though, if you don't get
the ID correct for the tape it won't start the instillation.  I had to open
up the tapes in Windows notepad and find that.  The names are fairly
straight forward (like bp2 for basic-plus-2), but some are more cryptic.

For example, FORTRAN 77 v5.04 is F77504, you'd think it was just F77.  If
you don't know the name look for a line that says VOL1F77504, drop the VOL1
and there you go, the name for the tape.  Works for me.
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