[Simh] scripting simh

Tim Newsham newsham at lava.net
Mon Oct 18 14:46:11 EDT 2010

    slightly unusual task -- I'm interested in scripting a
simh session where I send input to simh's guest as well
as occasionally to simh itself (ie. ^E followed by some commands).
(My primary target is simh running in unix).
I tried the obvious -- sending data to simh over a pipe
connected to its stdin, but it does not seem to work well.
I even tried slowing down the input stream ... no luck
even with very simple tasks (ie. enter "unix" at the "@"
prompt, then enter "root" at the "login:" prompt).

Has anyone done anything like this?  Any recommendations?

Tim Newsham | www.thenewsh.com/~newsham | thenewsh.blogspot.com

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