[Simh] late versions of TOPS-20 on SimH [was Re: CDC 6600]

Sergiusz Jarczyk sjarczyk at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 09:02:19 EDT 2010

Hi Rich

2010/7/8 Rich Alderson <simh at alderson.users.panix.com>:
> The SimH PDP-10 emulation is only a KS-10.  Although there was a port of
> TOPS-20 v5.4 to that platform, it was not widely available, and support
> for it dropped more than 25 years ago (as the principal in the project
> informed me when I asked about it several years ago).  TOPS-20 v4.1 is the
> last version which DEC supported.
> It's a jim-dandy Tops-10 platform, on the other hand, running v7.04 like a
> champ.
> If you want to play with TOPS-20 networking, you really do want a KL-10
> processor or an emulator of same, so KLH10 is the only way to go, unless
> you're intimately familiar with the KL-10 hardware and can recreate it in a
> simulation.

I'm aware of these limitations. I'm using KLH10 on daily basis for
some time now, both for TOPS-20 and ITS, and I can confirm it's a
great piece of code. The only problem for me was the timing issue on
amd64 system (there is no native x64 build for KLH10), but two changes
in makefile was enough to get ride of them... :-) I'm not sure if
KLH10 is still actively developed (I'm using version 2.0h - as in
Panda distribution with tun/tap patch), and that's why I was wondering
if it'd have sense to try to merge KLH10 code into SimH (at least the
KL10 part) , so we can have full PDP-10 support...


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