[Simh] CDC 6600

Sergiusz Jarczyk sjarczyk at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 13:18:57 EDT 2010


2010/7/7 Al Kossow <aek at bitsavers.org>:
> The only freely available OS for the 6000 series is Chippewa.
> I can verify that NOS was NOT part of the "Syntegra concession" negotiated by Tom.
> At this point, I do not believe any new requests to participate are being accepted.
> Also, there are also two VERY different things being discussed here; someone wanting to
> sell a simulator for commercial use, and one for non-profit educational use.

My goal is to have open source (would love BSD license, but some form
of GPL would also work) CDC emulator. Anyway, I've just started
skeleton project for Simh to get at least CPU and PPU simulation
portions done. Hope will can show something within few weeks... I
assume I can only dream about KALEIDOSCOPE and/or MALET?


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