[Simh] An idea for graphics support in SIMH

Michael Kerpan mjkerpan at kerpan.com
Wed Jul 7 12:05:35 EDT 2010

It's good to see that folks don't think I'm barking up the wrong tree
here. Anyways, while I can't code this myself (my C-fu is weak), I'd
be more than happy to troll the web to dig up documentation in order
to help anyone who might be interested in implementing this.
Persoanlly, I would think that the thing to do would be to first set
up the basic server architecture and then implement a fairly simple
display like the PDP-1 vector tube to test the architecture. Then,
assuming we're not all too busy playing Spacewar to go any farther,
someone could go and code up something hard like a VAX framebuffer.


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