[Simh] Vax 11/780 with multiple CPUs?

Jeremy Begg jeremy at vsm.com.au
Fri May 29 03:22:37 EDT 2009

Hi Ulli,

>What about building the other VAX-11s (750 & 730) for simh?

Why would you want to -- apart from being able to say that you've done it? 
SIMH isn't instrumented to show you all the inner workings of the emulated
hardware, and from the user perspective all single-CPU VAX-11 systems are
much the same.

>What else would have to be done except for changing the CPU-ID?

It might depend on what operating system you intend to run on your emulated
VAX.  For example, VAX/VMS looks at the CPU type to decide how to do various
things, particularly at boot time.  In other words if you're going to
emulate different CPUs you have to make sure that you emulate enough of the
hardware to keep the host operating system(s) happy too.


        Jeremy Begg

  |            VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.              |
  |                 http://www.vsm.com.au/                  |
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  | South Australia 5081      |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
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