[Simh] Errors when using pUTTY terminal emulator to telnet to simh.

roy hills royhills at hotmail.com
Thu May 28 09:39:56 EDT 2009

I can think of three possible problems:

1.  The "terminal type string", which is set in Connection->Data
Putty uses "xterm" by default, but "vt220" would be a better choice for DEC systems.
I'm not sure if the SIMH telnet server makes use of this string though.

2.  The character set translation, set in Window->Translation
I would set this to DEC-MCS (DEC Multinational Character set).  This should only affect
the display of characters however, and should not affect the simulated system.

3.  The answerback, set in Terminal
By default PuTTY responds to the answerback (^E) with the string "PuTTY".  This can
confuse systems that send ^E (ascii 5) but don't expect any input.  You often see this
when accidentally displaying a binary file - you end up with "PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY".
You can't disable this, but you can set it to an empty string.


Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 08:38:57 +0800
From: raleonar at gmail.com
To: simh at trailing-edge.com
Subject: [Simh] Errors when using pUTTY terminal emulator to telnet to simh.

I'm a first time user of this SIMH.
Just recently installed the latest version on SIMH (3.8-1). on my laptop running XP sp3. I'm using the VAX emulator and successfully installed VAX/VMS ver 5.3. It runs smoothly on my laptop except that I don't like the built-in console terminal.

So I tried using Putty to telnet  to SIMH as my console terminal, a little change on the openvms.ini, just uncomment 
"set console telnet=6969" and when SIMH run, it will just wait for a telnet session before the SIMH start to boot.When my Putty connects to SIMH the following message appear and I can't successfuly boot to DUA0, it looks like its hanging...

This is the message displayed on my Putty terminal emulator....




Connected to the VAX simulator

?C6 2 01 FF 00 0000

P1=00000000  P2=00000000  P3=00000000  P4=00000000  P5=00000000

P6=00000000  P7=00000000  P8=00000000  P9=00000000 P10=00000000

r0=00000080  r1=00000020  r2=00000000  r3=201407A4  r4=2004D2F0

r5=2004D310  r6=2004D312  r7=00000000  r8=00000000 ERF=80000000

KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7

Performing normal system tests.




Normal operation not possible.



I'd tried again another terminal emulator. Eterm32 Plus, but still same
message displayed as in Putty.BUT...when I used again another emulator,
TeraTerm, ITS WORKING FINE. everything then is OKAY.

I just wondering what specific settings on Putty or the Eterm32Plus,
that triggers the error in Siimh, and which is not in the TERA TERM.
I'd already tried to compare the settings of those emulators but so far
I was not successful to make the PUTTY or the ETERM32 work with simh.

Do you guys have similar experience like this?


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