[Simh] simh and tap device under linux

Jeremy Begg jeremy at vsm.com.au
Tue Aug 25 21:47:54 EDT 2009

Hi David,

>> Disclaimer: my company has a business relationship Process Software.

>I only use their hobbyist program, I'm afraid.   (Which is much appreciated)

Please note I wasn't touting for business -- just pre-empting anyone who
might claim I was :-)

>>>However, depending on your underlying hardware, it can be pretty slow.
>>>(ie: 1.4Ghz is NOT enough.)
>I'm not complaining about the product, and I don't wish my previous
>note to be misconstrued as a complaint about the product itself.

That's not how I read it.  I was simply pointing out that
a) there is a choice of SSH offerings for VAX/VMS, admittedly all from one
b) it works OK on a real VAX and therefore should be OK on a SIMH "VAX"
   (assuming the underlying hardware is fast enough).

>I'm sure relatively slow Xeon's + Vmware + Fedora 11 + SIMH + SIMH CPU
>Throttling, was a significant source of much slowness.....

SIMH CPU throttling was probably the major culprit.  I would be surprised if
a 1.4GHz Xeon emultating a VAX would be slower than a 100MHz real VAX.  SSH
can do a lot of CPU consumption and if SIMH is configured to throttle it,
I'm not surprised your SSH was slow.

(I've just remembered my VAX is a VAXstation 4000/96 which is somewhat
quicker than a /60).


        Jeremy Begg

  |            VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.              |
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