[Simh] simh and tap device under linux

David Holland david.w.holland at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 13:05:26 EDT 2009

I've a patch against a (really) old version of SIMH that one could
adapt to a more current version.

They added a 'set priv uid=' 'set priv gid=' 'set priv root='
commands you could use to setuid(), setgid(), and chroot() after any
'attach xq' sorts of statement.

It was pretty Unix specific, and otherwise deemed non-useful.

I'm not real certain what you're trying to protect against though....

I don't believe a virtual VMS user can effect your physical Unix
environment, beyond what you configure in the configuration file.

And from the other perspective, adding machines to your network has
always required "root", since if a person can add a device to your
network, they can "pwn" your network anyways.

If you want the patch, let me know, I'll mail it to you, you'll have
to adapt it since, like I said, its against an old version (3.2-3


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