[Simh] Unibus XOR Tester

Walter F.J. Mueller w.f.j.mueller at gsi.de
Tue Apr 14 01:51:57 EDT 2009


when looking through a few listings of XXDP tests, I saw code
sections mentioning a

	XOR Tester

This was obviously a Unibus device at address 177060. The typ.
code found in many IOT handlers is

                                 ; XOR Tester stub
005646  013746  000004          L000:   mov     @#v..iit,-(sp)
005652  012737  005672  000004          mov     #V004,@#v..iit
005660  005737  177060                  tst     @#177060
005664  012637  000004                  mov     (sp)+,@#v..iit
005670  000463                          br      B102
005672  022626                  V004:   cmp     (sp)+,(sp)+
005674  012637  000004                  mov     (sp)+,@#v..iit
005700  000423                          br      B098

Does anybody know what this test device did, where on bitsavers
or elsewhere it is described ?

			With best regards,	Walter

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