[Simh] Clock drift

tiggerlasv at aim.com tiggerlasv at aim.com
Thu Sep 11 02:16:07 EDT 2008

RSTS/E uses the KW11-L line-time clock register for the system time.

The device PCLK isn't used for system time, and can be disabled,
unless you have software that specifically uses a programmable clock.

There is an error in the Simh help file for the default clock command.


SET SYSTEM JCLK_DFLT=  {Line|50|60|800}

The documentation spells out JCLK_DEFAULT.

The actual command uses JCLK_DFLT.

As info. . . . .


-----Original Message-----
From: Zachary Kline <z_kline at hotmail.com>
To: tiggerlasv at aim.com; simh at trailing-edge.com
Sent: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 9:51 pm
Subject: RE: [Simh] Clock drift

I am indeed emulating an 11/83.  However, under Windows at least, the 
which the documentation seems to indicate are for the purpose of 
changing the
simulated clock speed don't produce the expected results.
set system jclk_default=60hz
produces an error about their being no such parameter.  I can't show 
the value
I am a little confused as to the difference between the "programmable" 
clock and
the regular clk device.  Are they both used?
Any info would be appreciated.

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