[Simh] SIMH works on Android-based T-Mobile G1 phone

Howard M. Harte hharte at hartetechnologies.com
Sat Nov 8 13:02:43 EST 2008

I was able to get SIMH/AltairZ80 running on the Google phone.  All it  
took was a new Makefile and slight modification to the serial I/O to  
translate LF to CR on input.

It should also run fine in the Android simulator.

I will write up a "how-to" document so others can try it.  You will  
need to download and install the Android debugger to get the  
executible onto the phone, and you will need the Android source code  
and development environment to be able to compile from the sources.

Next, it would be nice to compile the PDP or VAX simulators. It's  
pretty amazing to think you could have a VAX running 4.3 BSD or VMS in  
your pocket.


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