[Simh] DC11

Tim Newsham newsham at lava.net
Sat May 17 14:54:54 EDT 2008

> It checks for parity.  from u9.s:
> 3:
>         bitb    $100,tty+4(r0)
>         beq     2f / non-37 parity not allowed
> 4:

         bic     $!177,r1

I should have also mentioned that after checking the parity flag
in the RCSR, it just masks off the upper bit from the RCBR.. so
the actual parity bit need not be correct, but the parity flag
in the RCSR needs to constantly be either set or cleared depending
on what parity the remote terminal is supposed to be sending...

>> /Bob Supnik

Tim Newsham

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