[Simh] RTE-6/VM configuration

J. David Bryan jdbryan at acm.org
Sat Jul 5 16:26:06 EDT 2008

On Saturday, July 05, 2008 at 12:36, Terry Newton wrote:

> Linux messes with backspace settings unless you tell it not to, for
> gnome-terminal selecting swap BS & DEL should do the same thing.

So the host OS, and the terminal emulator, and SIMH are all taking their 
turn at remapping BS and DEL?  Yikes.

HP terminals generated BS for the BACKSPACE key and DEL for DEL key.  For 
correct HP simulation, you'd want to configure everything on the host side 
to pass the codes through untranslated.  Doing "set console del=177" does 
that for SIMH (note that SIMH doesn't swap BS and DEL but rather maps BS to 
DEL, so with the default setting, there is no keyboard combination that 
will send a BS code to the program under simulation).

                                      -- Dave

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