[Simh] Simh execution speed improvement - about 45% improvement.

Boucher, François boucher.francois at uqam.ca
Fri Jan 11 15:52:04 EST 2008

Hi, Zane!

I am serving 31 disks of 4GB size, and one disk of 40GB size.
All those disks are hosted on a single 250GB SATA disk that is in one of the
Two host desktops.  The SATA disks gives me a lot more performance than the
Original SCSI disks connected to the vaxes.

I plan to replace 4 vax 6000-640 each with 512MB RAM with those simulators.
This actual setup is an experimental one, and we will purchase 2 servers
(probably DL380 G5 with quad core xeons) for the "production" setup.

The replacement is to keep running some old administrative software, but not to depend on those old (but still reliable) machines.

Thanks for the pointer to the intel linux compilers, you can count on me to try it, and inform people on the list about my results.

Thanks again,

Francois Boucher ing.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Zane H. Healy [mailto:healyzh at aracnet.com] 
Envoyé : 11 janvier 2008 15:21
À : Boucher, François
Cc : simh at trailing-edge.com; healyzh at aracnet.com
Objet : Re: [Simh] Simh execution speed improvement - about 45% improvement.

> I would also appreciate any ideas to further improve execution speed of
> simh.

I assume you're running on Linux? I'd recommend attempting to build it with
the Intel C compiler rather than GCC.


I am curious, what size disks are you serving up?  Amazingly I think you
just managed to get me interested in emulating a VAX.  I wonder how an
emulated VAX would work as a fileserver for my Alpha.  I'd like to cut down
on the noise and heat generated by the external drives on my XP1000.  As
disturbing as it sounds this might be a good solution for me, and could
replace the VAXstation 4000/vlc I use as a DECnet router.  Might even result
in a power savings.


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