[Simh] Simh execution speed improvement - about 45% improvement.

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Fri Jan 11 15:20:50 EST 2008

> I would also appreciate any ideas to further improve execution speed of
> simh.

I assume you're running on Linux? I'd recommend attempting to build it with
the Intel C compiler rather than GCC.


I am curious, what size disks are you serving up?  Amazingly I think you
just managed to get me interested in emulating a VAX.  I wonder how an
emulated VAX would work as a fileserver for my Alpha.  I'd like to cut down
on the noise and heat generated by the external drives on my XP1000.  As
disturbing as it sounds this might be a good solution for me, and could
replace the VAXstation 4000/vlc I use as a DECnet router.  Might even result
in a power savings.


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