[Simh] the cult of cutler

dave porter dave.porter2 at verizon.net
Fri Apr 4 19:22:33 EDT 2008

>From: "Norman Lastovica" <norman.lastovica at oracle.com>
>Subject: Re: [Simh] VUPs?
>Quick Culter story as he told it (at least the parts that I remember)...
>The 11/70 added support for a whole lot more memory with additional
>physical address bits (virtual memory remained the same size
>obviously) along with some other features.  
> ...

Was that 'Culter' a Freudian slip?

I'd heard the same story as far as the '11/70 support in
a weekend' part.  However, the reason given, in the version
I heard, was that the 11/70 and IAS were supposed to be
announced together, IAS was late, and getting 11M up
on the 11/70 (and subsequent annoucement of same) was
a political attack on IAS.

Mind you, I worked in Reading at the time and heard
the story from someone in the IAS team, so it's not
like my sources were impartial.


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