[Simh] [RFC] build script improvements experiment

Peter Lund firefly at vax64.dk
Tue Sep 18 13:05:36 EDT 2007

I have improved the build script over that sent previously ("[RFC,
PATCH] Linux Installer for VAX emulator").

      * dependencies on include files ("header files") are automatically
      * works well with ccache (and apbuild and distcc) because
        compilation and linking isn't done in a single step
      * each simulator is built in its own directory -- necessary
        because some simulators are tangled up and because some shared
        files are compiled with different macro defines between the
      * the output is pretty now!
      * since the output is pretty, warnings become very visible
      * more portable makefile (use the shell to test OSTYPE variable)
      * more portable makefile (actually detect cygwin and act

Some of the mechanics in the makefile is more complicated than strictly
necessary.  I expect to fix that, I just haven't gotten round to it yet.

I also expect to add some code that can generate a simple "static"
makefile from this makefile so we can have a single canonical build
script and still get the portability of a very simple makefile -- or
even a linear list of commands to run.

Did I write "still"?  Actually, the current makefile relies so much on
the "compile-and-link" feature of gcc that it really doesn't work for
anything else.  The build system in my mercurial "build" branch is much
better even *without* the ability to generate a simplified makefile.

Adding the remaining architectures is expected to be easy but the
makefile is more malleable with fewer architectures in it so I'll wait a
bit before porting them over.

So, how do you get it?

     1. apply the included patch on top of the last patch I sent.
     2. go to http://vax64.dyndns.org/repo/hg/build and download the
        current version as a ZIP file. (better)
     3. run hg clone http://vax64.dyndns.org/repo/hg/build (best)


 b/makefile.inc |  207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 makefile       |  423 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 508 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

diff -r b0a8c6ad8866 makefile
--- a/makefile	Thu Sep 13 06:27:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/makefile	Tue Sep 18 17:47:59 2007 +0200
@@ -4,39 +4,64 @@
 # be reinstated once I'm satisfied with the structure of the makefile.
 # -- Peter Lund <firefly at vax64.dk>
-# Decent values for toolchain program
-# These gymnastics mean the user can override CC, LD, and CCACHE when invoking
-# the makefile.
-ifneq ("$(origin CC)", "command line")
- ifneq ("$(origin CC)", "environment")
-  CC=gcc
- endif
-ifneq ("$(origin LD)", "command line")
- ifneq ("$(origin LD)", "environment")
-  # gcc acts as a wrapper around ld and passes it some Seekret Parameters that
-  # make things work.  Using gcc instead of ld is standard practice.
-  LD=gcc
- endif
-ifneq ("$(origin CCACHE)", "command line")
- ifneq ("$(origin CCACHE)", "environment")
-  CCACHE:=$(shell which ccache)
- endif
-# Use ccache to speed things up
-CC:=$(CCACHE) $(CC)
-LD:=$(CCACHE) $(LD)
-# nice and simple flags, can be overridden from the command line
-# FIXME doesn't work yet.  The += used below in the file get inactivated when
-#       CFLAGS is set from the command line
-CFLAGS  ?= -O2 -g
+# Copyright 2006,2007 Peter Lund <firefly at vax64.dk>
+# Released under GPL v2.
+# Portions come from the Linux project, copyrighted by their respective
+# authors and also released under GPL v2.
+# A lot of the stuff in this Makefile is fugly boiler-plate code which will be
+# moved into a separate file once things have stabilized.
+# It does provide some benefits to make up for all the complexity.
+# In no particular order:
+#  1) It checks for the existence of GTK+/Gnome/Cairo packages before doing
+#     anything else in order to give the user sensible error messages.
+#  2) It turns *all* gcc warnings on.  No, neither -W nor -Wall turns them all
+#     on; you actually need both.  This is compounded by the fact that -W has
+#     been deprecated in favour of the new flag -Wextra in newer gccs!
+#  3) Header file dependencies (i.e. include files) are handled automatically.
+#  4) It automatically checks for (and uses) ccache.
+#  5) The screen output during compilation is nice to look at (à la the current
+#     Linux kernels).  You can get the traditional information overload by
+#     passing V=1 as a parameter on the 'make' command-line.
+#  6) The code knows when it was compiled due the DATE variable being passed to
+#     all compilation units (just like its friend, VERSION).
+# Maintainable variables
+# default variables -- can be overriden on the make command line
+# (WARNFLAGS gets set automatically to either '-W -Wall' or '-Wextra -Wall'
+# by Makefile.inc depending on what the compiler supports)
+CFLAGS=-Os -fomit-frame-pointer $(WARNFLAGSX) -g
+# The version number to pass to the program
+# (both VERSION and DATE gets defined in all compilation units)
+# This is the default target if someone just writes 'make'
+# Targets that don't require compiling and linking should be added to NOWORK
+NOWORK:=help clean distclean
+# See also PROGS and .PHONY below.
+# Lots of magic inside this file!
+include makefile.inc
+# Add version info
 # Default for network
@@ -45,118 +70,272 @@ USE_NETWORK=1
 # FIXME this macro needs a better name
-ifeq ($(WIN32),)
- #Unix Environments
- ifeq ($(OSTYPE),solaris)
+ifeq ($(WIN32),)
+ #Unix Environments
+ ifeq ($(shell echo $$OSTYPE),solaris)
   LDFLAGS  += -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread
- else
-  LDFLAGS  += -lrt -lreadline
- endif
- ifeq ($(OSTYPE),macos)
+ else
+  ifeq ($(shell echo $$OSTYPE),cygwin)
+   LDFLAGS  += -lreadline
+  else
+   LDFLAGS  += -lrt -lreadline
+  endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(shell echo $$OSTYPE),macos)
   XCFLAGS += -std=c99 -U__STRICT_ANSI__ $(OS_CCDEFS) -I .
   LDFLAGS += -lm -lrt
- else
+ else
   XCFLAGS += -std=c99 -U__STRICT_ANSI__  $(OS_CCDEFS) -I .
   LDFLAGS += -lm
- endif
- ifneq ($(USE_NETWORK),)
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(USE_NETWORK),)
   LDFLAGS += -lpcap
- endif
- #Win32 Environments
- LDFLAGS = -lm -lwsock32 -lwinmm
- XCFLAGS += -std=c99 -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -O0 -I.
- EXE = .exe
- ifneq ($(USE_NETWORK),)
-  NETWORK_OPT = -DUSE_NETWORK -lwpcap -lpacket
+ endif
+ #Win32 Environments
+ LDFLAGS = -lm -lwsock32 -lwinmm
+ XCFLAGS += -std=c99 -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -O0 -I.
+ EXE = .exe
+ ifneq ($(USE_NETWORK),)
+  NETWORK_OPT = -DUSE_NETWORK -lwpcap -lpacket
   LDFLAGS += -lwpcap -lpacket
- endif
+ endif
 # switch off GNU Make "features"
 .SUFFIXES:	# delete all default suffixes
-# Common Libraries
-# Build everything
-ALL = vax
-all : ${ALL}
-SIM =	scp.c      sim_console.c sim_fio.c  sim_timer.c sim_sock.c	\
+# Common Libraries
+# Build everything
+ALL = vax vax780 pdp11 nova eclipse altair altairz80
+all: $(ALL)
+SIM =	scp.c      sim_console.c sim_fio.c  sim_timer.c sim_sock.c	\
 	sim_tmxr.c sim_ether.c   sim_tape.c
-VAX=	VAX/vax_cpu.c    VAX/vax_cpu1.c   VAX/vax_fpa.c    VAX/vax_io.c	\
-	VAX/vax_cis.c    VAX/vax_octa.c   VAX/vax_cmode.c		\
-	VAX/vax_mmu.c    VAX/vax_stddev.c VAX/vax_sysdev.c		\
+	$(call show,Creating,$@\ directory)
+	$(Q)mkdir -p $@
+VAX=	VAX/vax_cpu.c    VAX/vax_cpu1.c   VAX/vax_fpa.c    VAX/vax_io.c	\
+	VAX/vax_cis.c    VAX/vax_octa.c   VAX/vax_cmode.c		\
+	VAX/vax_mmu.c    VAX/vax_stddev.c VAX/vax_sysdev.c		\
 	VAX/vax_sys.c    VAX/vax_syscm.c  VAX/vax_syslist.c		\
-	PDP11/pdp11_rl.c PDP11/pdp11_rq.c PDP11/pdp11_ts.c		\
-	PDP11/pdp11_dz.c PDP11/pdp11_lp.c PDP11/pdp11_tq.c		\
-	PDP11/pdp11_xq.c PDP11/pdp11_ry.c				\
-	PDP11/pdp11_vh.c PDP11/pdp11_cr.c
-VAXOBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(VAX))
-SIMOBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SIM))
-# Temporarily removed until we have squeaky clean, open source firmware
-#VAX/ka655x.h:	VAX/ka655x.bin
-#	./wrapblob.pl 'firmware_ka655x' < $< > $@
-vax: $(BIN) $(BIN)vax$(EXE)
-	mkdir -p BIN
-$(BIN)vax$(EXE): $(VAXOBJS) $(SIMOBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
-	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
+	PDP11/pdp11_rl.c PDP11/pdp11_rq.c PDP11/pdp11_ts.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_dz.c PDP11/pdp11_lp.c PDP11/pdp11_tq.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_xq.c PDP11/pdp11_ry.c				\
+	PDP11/pdp11_vh.c PDP11/pdp11_cr.c
+VAXOBJS = $(addprefix BUILD-VAX/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(VAX) $(SIM))))
+vax:	BIN BUILD-VAX    BIN/vax$(EXE)
+BIN/vax$(EXE): $(VAXOBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
+	$(call show,Linking,$@)
+	$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
 define VAX_template
- $(1): $(2) *.h VAX/*.h PDP11/*.h # VAX/ka655x.h
-	$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I VAX -I PDP11 -DVM_VAX -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -c $$< -o $$@
-$(foreach file,$(VAX) $(SIM),$(eval $(call VAX_template,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
-autopackage/binreloc.o:	autopackage/binreloc.c
-	$(CC) $(XCFLAGS) -DENABLE_BINRELOC -c $< -o $@
-clean :
-ifeq ($(WIN32),)
-	${RM} ${BIN}* *.o */*.o *.package *.meta *.xml
-	if exist BIN\*.exe del /q BIN\*.exe *.package *.meta *.xml
+ $$(call DEPD,$(2),BUILD-VAX)
+	$$(call show,Compiling,$$<)
+	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I VAX -I PDP11 -DVM_VAX -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -c $$< -o $$@
+$(foreach file,$(VAX) $(SIM),$(eval $(call VAX_template ,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
+VAX780= VAX/vax_cpu.c VAX/vax_cpu1.c VAX/vax_fpa.c			\
+	VAX/vax_cis.c VAX/vax_octa.c VAX/vax_cmode.c			\
+	VAX/vax_mmu.c VAX/vax_sys.c  VAX/vax_syscm.c			\
+	VAX/vax780_stddev.c VAX/vax780_sbi.c				\
+	VAX/vax780_mem.c    VAX/vax780_uba.c VAX/vax780_mba.c		\
+	VAX/vax780_fload.c  VAX/vax780_syslist.c			\
+	PDP11/pdp11_rl.c PDP11/pdp11_rq.c PDP11/pdp11_ts.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_dz.c PDP11/pdp11_lp.c PDP11/pdp11_tq.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_xu.c PDP11/pdp11_ry.c PDP11/pdp11_cr.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_rp.c PDP11/pdp11_tu.c PDP11/pdp11_hk.c
+VAX780OBJS = $(addprefix BUILD-VAX780/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(VAX780) $(SIM))))
+define VAX780_template
+ $$(call DEPD,$(2),BUILD-VAX780)
+	$$(call show,Compiling,$$<)
+	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I VAX -I PDP11 -DVM_VAX -DVAX_780 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -c $$< -o $$@
+$(foreach file,$(VAX780) $(SIM),$(eval $(call VAX780_template,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
+vax780: BIN BUILD-VAX780 BIN/vax780$(EXE)
+BIN/vax780$(EXE): $(VAX780OBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
+	$(call show,Linking,$@)
+	$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
+PDP11 = PDP11/pdp11_fp.c  PDP11/pdp11_cpu.c PDP11/pdp11_dz.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_cis.c PDP11/pdp11_lp.c  PDP11/pdp11_rk.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_rl.c  PDP11/pdp11_rp.c  PDP11/pdp11_rx.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_stddev.c PDP11/pdp11_sys.c PDP11/pdp11_tc.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_tm.c  PDP11/pdp11_ts.c  PDP11/pdp11_io.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_rq.c  PDP11/pdp11_tq.c  PDP11/pdp11_pclk.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_ry.c  PDP11/pdp11_pt.c  PDP11/pdp11_hk.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_xq.c  PDP11/pdp11_xu.c  PDP11/pdp11_vh.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_rh.c  PDP11/pdp11_tu.c  PDP11/pdp11_cpumod.c	\
+	PDP11/pdp11_cr.c  PDP11/pdp11_rf.c  PDP11/pdp11_dl.c		\
+	PDP11/pdp11_ta.c
+PDP11OBJS = $(addprefix BUILD-PDP11/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(PDP11) $(SIM))))
+define PDP11_template
+ $$(call DEPD,$(2),BUILD-PDP11)
+	$$(call show,Compiling,$$<)
+	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I PDP11 -DVM_PDP11 -c $$< -o $$@
+$(foreach file,$(PDP11) $(SIM),$(eval $(call PDP11_template,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
+pdp11:	BUILD-PDP11 BIN/pdp11$(EXE)
+BIN/pdp11$(EXE): $(PDP11OBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
+	$(call show,Linking,$@)
+	$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ 
+NOVA=	NOVA/nova_sys.c NOVA/nova_cpu.c NOVA/nova_dkp.c			\
+	NOVA/nova_dsk.c NOVA/nova_lp.c  NOVA/nova_mta.c			\
+	NOVA/nova_plt.c NOVA/nova_pt.c  NOVA/nova_clk.c			\
+	NOVA/nova_tt.c  NOVA/nova_tt1.c NOVA/nova_qty.c
+NOVAOBJS = $(addprefix BUILD-NOVA/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(NOVA) $(SIM))))
+ECLIPSE=NOVA/eclipse_cpu.c NOVA/eclipse_tt.c NOVA/nova_sys.c		\
+	NOVA/nova_dkp.c    NOVA/nova_dsk.c   NOVA/nova_lp.c		\
+	NOVA/nova_mta.c    NOVA/nova_plt.c   NOVA/nova_pt.c		\
+	NOVA/nova_clk.c    NOVA/nova_tt1.c   NOVA/nova_qty.c
+ECLIPSEOBJS = $(addprefix BUILD-ECLIPSE/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(ECLIPSE) $(SIM))))
+define NOVA_template
+ $$(call DEPD,$(2),BUILD-NOVA)
+	$$(call show,Compiling,$$<)
+	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I NOVA -c $$< -o $$@
+define ECLIPSE_template
+ $$(call DEPD,$(2),BUILD-ECLIPSE)
+	$$(call show,Compiling,$$<)
+	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I NOVA -DECLIPSE -DUSE_INT64 -c $$< -o $$@
+$(foreach file,$(NOVA)    $(SIM),$(eval $(call NOVA_template,   $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
+$(foreach file,$(ECLIPSE) $(SIM),$(eval $(call ECLIPSE_template,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
+nova:	BUILD-NOVA BIN/nova$(EXE)
+BIN/nova$(EXE):		$(NOVAOBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
+	$(call show,Linking,$@)
+	$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
+eclipse:BUILD-ECLIPSE BIN/eclipse$(EXE)
+BIN/eclipse$(EXE):	$(ECLIPSEOBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
+	$(call show,Linking,$@)
+	$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
+ALTAIR=	ALTAIR/altair_sio.c ALTAIR/altair_cpu.c ALTAIR/altair_dsk.c	\
+	ALTAIR/altair_sys.c
+ALTAIROBJS = $(addprefix BUILD-ALTAIR/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(ALTAIR) $(SIM))))
+ALTAIRZ80= AltairZ80/altairz80_cpu.c AltairZ80/altairz80_dsk.c		\
+	AltairZ80/altairz80_sio.c AltairZ80/altairz80_sys.c		\
+	AltairZ80/altairz80_hdsk.c AltairZ80/altairz80_net.c
+ALTAIRZ80OBJS = $(addprefix BUILD-ALTAIRZ80/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(ALTAIRZ80) $(SIM))))
+define ALTAIR_template
+ $$(call DEPD,$(2),BUILD-ALTAIR)
+	$$(call show,Compiling,$$<)
+	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I . -I ALTAIR -c $$< -o $$@
+define ALTAIRZ80_template
+ $$(call DEPD,$(2),BUILD-ALTAIRZ80)
+	$$(call show,Compiling,$$<)
+	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(XCFLAGS) -I . -I AltairZ80 -c $$< -o $$@
+$(foreach file,$(ALTAIR)    $(SIM),$(eval $(call ALTAIR_template,   $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
+$(foreach file,$(ALTAIRZ80) $(SIM),$(eval $(call ALTAIRZ80_template,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(file)),$(file))))
+altair: BUILD-ALTAIR BIN/altair$(EXE)
+BIN/altair$(EXE): $(ALTAIROBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
+	$(call show,Linking,$@)
+	$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
+altairz80: BUILD-ALTAIRZ80 BIN/altairz80$(EXE)
+BIN/altairz80$(EXE): $(ALTAIRZ80OBJS) autopackage/binreloc.o
+	$(call show,Linking,$@)
+	$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
+$(call DEP,autopackage/binreloc.c)
+	$(call show,Compiling,$<)
+	$(Q)$(CC) $(XCFLAGS) -DENABLE_BINRELOC -c $< -o $@
+	rm -rf BIN BUILD-* *.o */*.o *.package *.meta *.xml a.out *.ps *.pdf
 distclean:	clean
 	rm -f *~ */*~ */*/*~ xx.ps xxx.ps *.package *.meta *.xml *.xml.old
-	@echo 'make {vax|pdp11|nova|eclipse|...}		builds specific emulators'
-	@echo 'make [all]					builds all emulators'
+	@echo 'make [all]                  -- builds all emulators'
+	@echo 'make {vax|pdp11|nova|...}   -- builds specific emulators'
 	@echo ''
-	@echo 'make clean					delete compiled programs'
-	@echo 'make distclean					delete everything but source'
-	@echo 'make USE_NETWORK=1 <target>			enable network emulation'
-	@echo 'make CC=... <target>				override default C compiler'
+	@echo 'make clean                  -- deletes compiled programs'
+	@echo 'make distclean              -- deletes everything but source'
+	@echo ''
+	@echo 'make USE_NETWORK= <target>  -- disable network emulation'
+	@echo 'make CC=... <target>        -- override default C compiler'
+	@echo ''
+	@echo '  add V=1 for copious output, C=0 for bland output'
diff -r b0a8c6ad8866 makefile.inc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/makefile.inc	Sun Sep 16 23:58:04 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# -*-Makefile-*- (make Emacs colour us nicely)
+# Makefile magic for Aqua-Planner
+#  (but actually rather project agnostic)
+# Copyright 2006,2007 Peter Lund <firefly at vax64.dk>
+# Released under GPL v2.
+# Portions come from the Linux project, copyrighted by their respective
+# authors and also released under GPL v2.
+# This GNU Make include file communicates with the encompassing Makefile
+# through a number of variables.  Furthermore, a thing or two happens as a
+# side effect of including this file.
+# Input:
+#   // automatic package dependency check
+#   PACKAGES - pkg-config packages to check for
+#   // optimization for simple targets
+#   NOWORK   - makefile targets that don't produce output files
+# Output:
+#   // compilation timestamp in about box and --version
+#   DATE     - current date (i.e. '2007-03-23')
+#   // gcc compatibility fix
+#   WARNFLAGS - '-W -Wall' or '-Wextra -Wall'
+#   // automatic fast compilation + can be overridden from the command-line
+#   CC        - 'gcc' (or 'ccache gcc')
+#   CXX       - 'g++' (or 'ccache g++')
+#   LD        - 'ld' (or 'ccache ldd')
+#   // faster (re)compilation
+#   CCACHE    - empty or the path to ccache
+#   // better dependency checking
+#   DEP       - a macro that checks a top-level C file for include file
+#               dependencies.
+#   // beautifying the socalled "compile spew"
+#   show      - potentially writes a human-readable explanatory text
+#   Q         - "$(Q)...commands..." potentially hides the command-line
+# Side effects:
+#   Checks that the pkg-config packages listed in PACKAGES are installed.
+# This would be a good place to check the input variables to see if the
+# contract is being respected.  However, it is perfectly fine if PACKAGES
+# is empty (= don't check for any packages) or NOWORK is empty (because it's
+# only an optimization).
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Decent values for toolchain program
+# These gymnastics mean the user can override CC, LD, and CCACHE when invoking
+# the makefile.
+ifneq ("$(origin CC)", "command line")
+ ifneq ("$(origin CC)", "environment")
+  CC=gcc
+ endif
+ifneq ("$(origin LD)", "command line")
+ ifneq ("$(origin LD)", "environment")
+  # gcc acts as a wrapper around ld and passes it some Seekret Parameters that
+  # make things work.  Using gcc instead of ld is standard practice.
+  LD=gcc
+ endif
+ifneq ("$(origin CCACHE)", "command line")
+ ifneq ("$(origin CCACHE)", "environment")
+  CCACHE:=$(shell which ccache)
+ endif
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handle command-line flags:  C={0|1}  V={0|1}
+ifdef C
+  ifeq ("$(origin C)", "command line")
+    COLOURS := $(C)
+  endif
+ifndef COLOURS
+  COLOURS := 1
+ifeq ($(COLOURS),1)
+  # ESC [1m - intensity on
+  bold   := \\033[1m
+  # ESC [0m - intensity off
+  normal := \\033[0m
+  bold   :=
+  normal :=
+# Copied from Linux 2.6.5 Makefile (GPL)
+# To put more focus on warnings, be less verbose by default
+# Use 'make V=1' to see the full commands
+ifdef V
+  ifeq ("$(origin V)", "command line")
+    VERBOSE := $(V)
+  endif
+ifndef VERBOSE
+  VERBOSE := 0
+ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)
+  quiet  :=
+  Q      :=
+  devnull:=
+  quiet  := quiet_
+  Q      := @
+  devnull:= > /dev/null 2>&1
+# Do not print "Entering directory ..."
+MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Decent output
+# either print a msg such as "Compiling  BUILD/debug-a/api.o" or do nothing
+show2= $(if $(quiet),printf $(bold)%-13s$(normal)%s\\n $(1) $(2);)
+show= @$(if $(quiet),printf $(bold)%-13s$(normal)%s\\n $(1) $(2))
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The default make target is 'all'
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),)
+# In order to make simple make invocations quick (such as 'make help'), try not
+# to make any unnecessary work.  Calling out to the shell to get the current
+# date, check supported gcc flags, or installed packages should not be done
+# unless necessary.
+ifneq ($(REALWORK),)
+DATE:=$(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)
+# Older versions of gcc (pre 3.4) required -W -Wall if you really wanted
+# *all* warnings.  -Wall was NOT enough.
+# Newer versions (3.4+) deprecate -W in favour of -Wextra.
+# Presumably future versions won't recognize -W anymore.
+ifeq ($(shell $(CC) --verbose --help 2>&1 | grep -- -Wextra),)
+  WARNFLAGS:=-W -Wall
+  WARNFLAGS:=-Wextra -Wall
+CCACHE:=$(shell which ccache)
+CC =$(CCACHE) gcc
+CXX=$(CCACHE) g++
+LD =$(CCACHE) gcc
+endif # REALWORK
+# Automatically check and add dependencies
+# Use as a replacement for the normal explicit target/dependency listing.
+# Instead of writing this:
+#   src/ap.o: src/ap.c src/model.h src/region.h
+#           ...commands...
+# you write this:
+#   $(call DEP,src/ap.c)
+#           ...commands...
+# Obfuscated GNU Make warning:
+#  line feeds get changed to spaces by GNU make so '\' characters used as line
+#  continuations must be removed lest they confuse make later on into believing
+#  there are dependencies on files named ' ' (quoted spaces).  Hence the
+#  $(subst).
+# Caveat:
+#  Only works with gcc or compatible C compilers.
+ifneq ($(REALWORK),)
+DEP =$(subst \, ,$(shell cpp -MM $(1) -MT $(basename $(1)).o -I . $(CFLAGS)))
+DEPD=$(subst \, ,$(shell cpp -MM $(1) -MT $(2)/$(notdir $(basename $(1))).o -I . $(CFLAGS)))
+DEP =$(basename $(1)).o: $(1)
+DEPD=$(2)/$(basename $(1)).o: $(1)

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