[Simh] Personal Alpha emulator on Linux/Wine

Wilm Boerhout wilm at boerhout.nl
Fri Jun 15 15:17:36 EDT 2007

On Windows systems, the Personal Alpha emulator needs a NDIS packet 
driver on the Ethernet interface. No other protocols (TCP, etc. are 
active on the designated interface). The Personal Alpha GUI loads and 
unload this driver for a user selected interface. VMS then runs its own 
TCP stack on the packet driver, invisible to Windows.

If you use PersonalAlpha on Wine/Linux, you probably don't use the GUI 
(it relies on .NET 2.0)

So, you must find a way to load the NDIS packet driver before running 
Alpha.exe. This driver may or may not work. On Windows, it works on 
wired interfaces only, i.e. no Alpha on your wireless network.

Wilm Boerhout

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