[Simh] Running IBSYS on the SIMH IBM 7094 on Linux

Tim Pinkawa timpinkawa at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 21:10:34 EDT 2006

This is an informative e-mail that for people having trouble running
IBSYS on SIMH with Linux.

The IBSYS kit will work with Linux, but there are several required
changes that are not documented and may not be obvious.

1. Get the latest SIMH (>= 3.6.0) source and the IBSYS kit
2. Compile at least i7094 and make sure it's available in your $PATH
3. Unzip the IBSYS kit with 'unzip ibsys_kit.zip' - the readme says to
convert the Windows line breaks to Linux line breaks (unzip -a
modifier), DO NOT DO THIS or it won't work!
4. 'rm *.exe' (optional) to remove the unneeded Windows binaries
5. Run 'make' to compile the helper applications. The helper
applications should stay in the IBSYS directory and do not need to be
in $PATH.
6. Use the following modified do_ibsys.txt instead of the distributed
one. This will only work on Unix-like systems.

; command file to run ibsys from within simh
; argument 1 = job file
; argument 2 = print file
! rm punch.* print.* sysou1.* sys*.bin
! ./gendate > date.txt
! cat date.txt %1 eof.dat ibsys.ctl > sysin.txt
! ./txt2bcda sysin 84

set cpu 7094
att -er cdr ibsys.ctl
att cdp punch.txt
;att lpt print.txt
att -ef mta1 p7b ASYS1.BIN
att -ef mta2 p7b ASYS8.BIN
att -f mta3 p7b sysin.bcd
att -f mta4 p7b sysou1.bcd
att mta5 sysut1.bin
att mta6 sysut3.bin
att mta7 sysut2.bin
att mta8 syspp1.bin
att mta9 sysut4.bin
att mta10 sysck2.bin
;d ss1 1
boot mta1
;run 3
assert pc =7465
det mta4
! ./bcd2txta -p sysou1.bcd %2
det all
! rm reader.* sys*.bin
! rm sysou1*.bcd sysin.*

7. Run 'i7094'
8. Run jobs with 'do do_ibsys.txt jobname.job output' at the 'sim'
prompt. There are several jobs supplied with the kit that can be
tested. A text file named output.txt will be created with job output.

Hope this helps,

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